Wednesday, August 4, 2010

149. Rabbit with matted anal hairs and stools, eye discharge

5-year old dwarf rabbit

"Rabbit bites," the young lady warned me. She wanted the rabbit in a one-stop shop with vet and rabbit groomer.

My assistant held the rabbit's head in between the towel while the rabbit groomer clipped the hairs carefully. My intern Ms Lai held on to one leg to assist the groomer. The rabbit seemed quiet. Eye discharge removed. Paw hairs trimmed. "Trim the belly and scrotal area," I asked the groomer. Matted hair and big stool in hair clipped off.

Warm water in bath tub. Rabbit bathed. "The owner said that the noise of the hair dryer upsets the rabbit." So the groomer blew dry from far away. The rabbit did not panic.

Only the lower left incisor was normal size and overgrown. The other three were around 2 mm long. Why?

"Vet 1 clipped the two top teeth some months ago. The two teeth just fell off. This rabbit had no teeth problems in the past years."

Rabbit looked good. If the rabbit does not bite the family members, the rabbit can be groomed at home. Eye cleaning is important. Easily said than done.

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