Thursday, July 13, 2017

3097. A male dwarf hamster urine marks causing itchy lower body.

July 13, 2017

PUDDING, male, dwarf hamster, born June 2016. 

Today, the young man consulted me and said: "My hamster still has an itchy armpit after you had operated on her left elbow wart 5 weeks ago!"  I was surprised and got my assistant to video the new medical condition.

"5 weeks ago, I removed the left elbow wart which was 2 mm across," I said. "There was no elbow problem."

The hamster squealed twice as I examined the sore right armpit using a small torch-light.
"It is the right armpit," my assistant pointed out.. "The wart was on the left elbow!"

A rough red inflamed patch of loose skin around 4mm x 4mm was present on the right elbow. So this was a new condition.


Dec 28, 2016
Lives alone. Overweight 63 g. Urine spraying on exercise wheel, food bowl, corner and litter. Sleeps on urine.
1. URINE SCALDING. Whole lower body has no hair. Inflamed and itchy.   Diagnosed: Ventral dermatitis. Advised neuter.

2. Left ear wart 4mm x 4 mm. Electro-excised ear wart.

Jan 17, 2017
Scratches both ears, flanks and bites paws. Hair loss. Paws inflamed.
Ventral and flank dermatitis.
Otitis externa both ears.  

Open vertical ear canals, irrigate
Clip bald under anaesthesia
Cleaning scent gland

Jun 8, 2017
Left elbow wart 4 x3 mm across electro-excised.
No bleeding.

Jul 13, 2017
Right armpit skin inflamed and biting the area.  5 mm x 5 mm.

Owner did not neuter as the hamster no longer urine mark.
Did not manage to reduce weight. No more sand bath.

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