Tuesday, March 6, 2018

3388. Dragon cloud formation seen on Mar 5, 2018 from 5.17pm

Mar 5, 2018, 5.17 pm (18th day of Chinese New Year)
Outside Marriott Singapore, 5.17 pm, I took image of this "dragon-like" cloud seen.  Fast moving black clouds swirled around the bright sun. I got the images at 5.17 pm, 5.19 pm but my phone could not record the images from 5.20 pm to 5.23 pm. I saw 2 bright circular eyes of the dragon around 5.21 pm but my camera failed me.

Images below;


Edited images

5.20pm. Eyes of dragon more obvious



Monday, March 5, 2018

3387. Vet consultant letters - Mar 2018

English translation

3386. Cloud image seen on Mar 4, 2018, 6.11 pm. A fire dragon spits fire onto earth?

On Mar 4, 2018, 6.11 pm, I took an image of the bright light in an overcast sky as I was going to my car to drive to a place for dinner.

I thought the bright sky was a pig with a short tail.
On closer overview examination, there appeared to be a fire dragon spitting fire scorching the earth as seen by the white light.

Photoshopped images are below:

Image appears to show 2 dragons if you view the eyes of 2 dragons.


Another image of the side of the dragon is seen on Mar 7, 2018  morning as shown below

Sunday, March 4, 2018

3385. Chinese New Year 17th day 8am. Mar 4, 2018

March 4, 2018 8.24am  17th day CNY

I had tilled the soil yesterday. So small mushrooms grow only from the non-tilled soil in the garden (at the edges of the depression) and in the plantar box. Overcast sky now. Bright sunshine hot afternoon yesterday.

I show 2 images of the small mushrooms representing the others. These grow in the garden.


Original image

Saturday, March 3, 2018

3384. Chinese New Year 16th day. Mar 3, 2018. Small mushrooms only

Mar 3, 2018   9am 16th day of CNY

Small mushrooms exclusively in garden and plantar box. Yesterday afternoon, I topped up central part of garden with 3 bags of rabbit litter and so no mushrooms are seen. Short heavy rain at around 5 pm yesterday (15th day of Chinese New Year).

Bodhi leaf found on my car windscreen on Mar 2, 2018 (15th day CNY)

Only small mushrooms overnight as seen in the video

I till the soil in the garden and so there are fewer mushrooms seen.